Sunday, May 17, 2015

God has got this.

When my husband comes up with an idea that I know wont work, usually tell him exactly what I think.  Back in the Fall he started talking about opening a race track with another guy.  I didn't pay it much mind because I figured it was another pipe dream.  In January, he told me they had found a track that was almost race ready.  I almost didn't listen.  He finally asked me my opinion.  I had a positive feeling about it.  All along I have felt God is in this.

We have faced a bunch of issues.

We applied for our LLC, tax ID, shopped for insurance and all that stuff with plenty of time.  Of course, nothing came in in plenty of time.  The week before we were to open we still didn't have LLC papers so we couldn't deposit the checks our sponsors had given us.  I was off that week so I dealt with them.  The original person I dealt with was completely unhelpful.  He couldn't even answer questions about the email he sent.  He passed me on to another person.  She was completely wonderful and walked me through things.  She approved the LLC and sent us the papers Thursday night.

Friday, Good Friday, one of our partners and I went to the bank to get the checks handled so that we could buy the concession food.  Not our first trip to the bank, mind you.  They told us we had to have a DBA paper, from the Clerk of Courts- not open on Good Friday.  No one else had told us that.  As we were getting ready to leave she advised us that if the checks were written BEFORE the LLC was approved they were unusable.

We had had to pay a $2000 deposit for insurance that week so we were tapped.  Our partners were expecting checks but unable to front the money for concessions.  We were in a bad way.  I still was not anxious. Which is very unusual for me.  I told our partners that God had this and not to worry.

The day of the race we got there early.  When they showed up they were giddy.  Their checks had come in.  They spent the night shopping.  The food we had was like loves and fishes.  It lasted as long as it needed to.

During a main feature race, calamity struck again.  Half the lights on the track went out.
This was potentially disastrous.  While everyone was scrambling a man came up to the concession stand my 11 year old son was working.  It also housed the main breaker boxes.  He asked why certain wires were wired in certain places.  My son questioned him and he stated he was an electrician.  He was quickly escorted in to help out.  The lights were on shortly and he has offered to help out more with the rest of our electrical systems.   A true God send.

 We had above expected attendance in the grandstands and enough cars to make a show.  Our opening night was a success.

We did have one bad incident of mistaken identity that would have potentially been very bad.  When the error was found out the gentleman was treated with respect and I can only assume, God touched his heart.

The next week came around and again we had a wonderful showing of people in the grandstands.  We had been broadcasting a radio station through our PA systems before the racing started.  Then there was silence.  Not one, but both of our systems blew at the same time.  No announcing during the race is not so bad because, when the cars are on the track the announcing cant be heard.  But no announcing in the pits is bad for safety and efficiency reasons.  Everyone was frantically calling, emailing, Facebooking anyone and everyone they could think of.  At last we heard over the walkie-talkie that one had been found but it was over 2 hours away.  We had 2 hours to race time.

Finally, another call came out that there was one a half hour away.  We sent 2 people and some cash to get it.  They returned and it was hooked up.  The night was saved.  Later I found out that it was the gentleman who was 2 hours away.  He drove up and met our people to get it to us in time.

The week before our third night of racing brought rain every day.  Early in the week it was predicted through Saturday.  As the week went on it seemed we had a fighting chance to get the races in.  Friday we got word that our local competition had to cancel due to the wet conditions and broken equipment.  That was a boon for us.  Many of the drivers and fans would come up the mountain to our track.  On Saturday we got word another local track had also canceled.   All day long I knew we would not be rained out.  I scolded people who mentioned the 'R' word.  I thanked God constantly.  Our Tech man said he came up in rain all the way to within a few miles from the track but we had no rain until we left about 11 pm going down the mountain to home.

It torrentially pored all the next day, reminding me of the amazing gift we were given the day before.

With each race we have gotten more confidence.  Things are going more smoothly.  Last night, night 6 was another threat of rain.  The rain went around us again.  People reported that there was rain just a mile down the road and in many other places.  Not in our little valley.

I can't tell you how many people have come up to any one of us or posted on Facebook, thanking us for opening up the track again, providing decent family entertainment etc.  This must be God's plan: To give people someplace to go, with the family, for an evening of fun and excitement.